Simple Pleasures

What are your simple pleasures?  Here are some of mine…

The beach

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Sound of Birds


Warm Blanket

Clean Sheets

A closet (I’d love a walk in closet)




Cat Purring




Boating (and my Dog of course) (boating with my dog)





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Drive In Movie

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Can you think of more?

About frugalhomehindsight

I have a a cabin heart. My frugal home often comes from hindsight and looking for ways to do better next time. This blog is from me-City Girl Chris and my adventures with my Country Man and with you all, fostering friendship like over the morning breaksfast table as neighbors with a good cup of coffe sharing the lastest news, things I like such as craft projects, family, I'm a mom, dog lover, sharing good cooking & baking recipes, and looking for the best frugal ways. Family * Friends* Food* Cooking* Crafts *DIY* Sharing and more What are your money challenges, Let's share and figure it out together
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