Before and After Container for my Jewelry Making Supplies

Here is the “Before” Jewelry container I had for my supplies.  I liked it.  The picture, below, shows a the small box on the right, This is the BEFORE. It was two levels, small rectangle box and the top box would lift out and has separate compartments.  I lost the cover.  As you can see, it become too small and all the hooks, beads, wire was all tossed into the box, nothing was very separate.


The New “after” on the left was on sale at Menards for 4.99 and has two sides with a total of 36 compartments. It can really hold a lot and easily flips ( over) sides and has the easy to open clips on the top.  Be sure to open the right side! LOL


I have bead bags on one side and the other sides holds the pliers, wires, hooks, and fasteners. I save all odds and ends pieces of jewelry; you know the one earring when you can’t find the other, yep into the box it goes, one day it may be part of a bracelet to be Up-cycled.  This new box,  I can find what I am looking for at a glance.

Organized Jewelry Suppliespizap.com13731396600291

You can use this containers for anything, I bought another for my sewing supplies. Its hot today, this 10-minute activity was enough for awhile. Time for lemonade.


About frugalhomehindsight

I have a a cabin heart. My frugal home often comes from hindsight and looking for ways to do better next time. This blog is from me-City Girl Chris and my adventures with my Country Man and with you all, fostering friendship like over the morning breaksfast table as neighbors with a good cup of coffe sharing the lastest news, things I like such as craft projects, family, I'm a mom, dog lover, sharing good cooking & baking recipes, and looking for the best frugal ways. Family * Friends* Food* Cooking* Crafts *DIY* Sharing and more What are your money challenges, Let's share and figure it out together
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